Products For Everyone


Starting at
$4.99 USD Monthly

The Forge

Starting at
$5.00 USD Monthly

Our Guarantees

Learn why we are trusted

24/7 Expert Support

Always available through emails, Discord or Twitter to handle any issue you encounter.

Fast & Reliable

With a 99% uptime and physical datacenter servers, everything goes smoothly at all times.

Super Easy to Use

Simply choose your plan, pay, and get started to use your server.

Good Uptime Guaranteed

Ours servers are always up, and you'll always know if a maintainance have to happen.

Secure Servers

Your servers are safe and no one have access to them.

Money-back Guarantee

If you encounter any issues or you are disatisfied with our product, you can cancel your plan at any time.

High Performance

Instant and fully automated setup, easy to use and quick to install.

Friendly Community

Our community on Discord and other social media is always ready to help with your development related issues.

Latest News

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Let’s Get Started!

Choose your server right now and take advantage of the cheapest and nicest hosting service out there.

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